We had noticed that the theme of Wesley Smith’s article below __that assisted suicide advocates believe it should be available to anyone who wants to commit suicide__seemed to inform many comments on the Ross Douthat article about suicide and loneliness that we posted on Sunday, May 19 (http://truedignityvt.org/?p=1017) and also to a followup article by […]
Archive for the ‘Slippery Slope’ Category
More on the Slippery Slope of Legal Assisted Suicide
Posted in Slippery Slope on May 27, 2013 | Comments Off
Why is Harry Chen Opposed to Patients Knowing which Health Care Providers Oppose Assisted Suicide?
Posted in Choice Becomes "Duty" to Die, Expansion of Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia, Medical Power, Palliative Care, Slippery Slope, Uncategorized on May 22, 2013 | Comments Off
In response to a question regarding True Dignity’s proposal to develop a registry of “safe” health care providers and institutions, Vermont Commissioner of Health Harry Chen said one of the potential “silver linings” of S.77 is that it will spur conversations between patients and doctors about end-of-life decisions, and a “safe doctors” registry could discourage […]
Posted in Devaluation of Lives with Disabilities, Slippery Slope on May 16, 2013 | Comments Off
For those who discount the slippery slope, here’s a taste of the future for people with disabilities like those assisted suicide advocates call “undignified” and which are also costly in the same way providing good care as a person dies would be costly, but for a longer period. Vermont has taken a giant step […]
Assisted Suicide for the Terminally Ill is Just “the First Step”
Posted in Expansion of Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia, Slippery Slope, Vermont Legislature on April 26, 2013 | Comments Off
Below, in italics, is the excellent testimony Vermonter Kathleen Grange gave at the public hearing before the House Human Services and Judiciary Committees last week. Based on what she heard with her own ears, she told the committees, “The slippery slope is here!” There was another witness, a medical doctor, who planned to tell the […]
Belgium is Considering Allowing Children to “Choose” Euthanasia
Posted in Expansion of Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia, Legislative Efforts in Other Countries, Slippery Slope on March 2, 2013 | Comments Off
In Belgium, where euthanasia has been legal since 2002, the Parliament is now discussing whether children as young as twelve should be able to choose to have their lives ended this way: http://www.bioedge.org/index.php/bioethics/bioethics_article/10419 It’s more than a little frightening to know that the slippery slope to the current situation in Belgium began long before euthanasia […]
Posted in Choice Becomes "Duty" to Die, Devaluation of Lives with Disabilities, Elder Abuse, Slippery Slope, Uncategorized on January 27, 2013 | Comments Off
The Guardian, a progressive, left-leaning newspaper in England, reported recently that Japan’s Minister of Finance thinks elderly people should “hurry up and die”, to relieve pressure on the government to pay for their medical care: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jan/22/elderly-hurry-up-die-japanese Despite the pro-suicide camp’s tactics of promoting this legislation in Vermont in order to ensure “choice”, it in fact […]
“It will quite literally be easier to get a lethal prescription in Massachusetts than to have hospice care through the end of your life.”
Posted in Commentary, Medical Opinions, Out of State/General, Slippery Slope, True Dignity on October 29, 2012 | Comments Off
Ira Byock, director of palliative care at Dartmouth, has spoken out again against assisted suicide in Massachusetts (http://commonhealth.wbur.org/2012/10/paliiative-care-assisted-suicide#more-23626). In a guest post on CommonHealth, the health blog of Boston radio station WBUR, he writes: We’ll still require terminally ill patients to give up treatment for their disease to get Medicare to pay for their hospice […]
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