Linked at the end of this post is a very balanced article about euthanasia and assisted suicide: how they are spreading in Europe, how Canada, with last week’s court decision, is poised to follow, and how the US is trending in the same direction. It clearly describes the dangers , at least some of them. […]
Archive for the ‘Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide Two Sides of the Same Coin’ Category
Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide Are Contagious
Posted in Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide Contagion, Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide Two Sides of the Same Coin on February 15, 2015 | Comments Off
Bad But Not Hopeless News From Canada: Good News from Colorado
Posted in Canada, Canada Supreme Court, Colorado, Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide Two Sides of the Same Coin, Expansion of Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia, Legal Opinions, Legislative Efforts in Other States, Rejections of Assisted Suicide in other states, Uncategorized on February 7, 2015 | Comments Off
In a shocking unanimous decision yesterday, Canada’s Supreme Court overturned the long-standing countrywide ban on doctor assisted death. The ruling applies to the whole country. Because the ruling did not, as far as we can glean from newspaper reports, require that the poison by which a person’s life would be ended must be self administered, […]
The Slippery Slope from Michael Landon to Brittany Maynard
Posted in Compassion and Choices, Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide Two Sides of the Same Coin, Slippery Slope on October 18, 2014 | Comments Off
Think there isn’t a slippery slope? We are in the first stages of a cultural move toward acceptance of euthanasia, driven by the slick PR efforts of Compassion and Choices and others of their ilk. This piece by Wesley Smith on First Things deftly summarizes how attitudes have changed in just 20 years:
Ezekiel Emanuel’s Latest Rant
Posted in Choice Becomes "Duty" to Die, Devaluation of Lives with Disabilities, Disability Rights Groups' Opposition, Elder Abuse, Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide Two Sides of the Same Coin, Medical Opinions, Medical Power, Rationing on October 7, 2014 | Comments Off
Ezekiel Emanuel has spent his life building an impressive resume and now, at age 56, he wants the world to know that by 75 he plans to stop working so hard. In fact, he says that if he is still alive at 75, his master plan is to “stop all medical treatment” with the goal […]
The Double Standard of Assisted Suicide
Posted in Devaluation of Lives with Disabilities, Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide Two Sides of the Same Coin, Other Countries on July 8, 2014 | Comments Off
This blogpost from Paul Russell addresses Australia’s most recent euthanasia-related controversy: Russell states that tolerance of any suicide sends a very mixed message such that, “Suicide should be prevented, except, perhaps, you know, when you’re really ill or dying; or maybe when you’re very old; or maybe when disability makes your life really difficult. […]
Slippery Slope: Belgian ICU Physicians’ Group Adopts Explicit Policy of Euthanizing Patients Without Consent
Posted in Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide Two Sides of the Same Coin on April 15, 2014 | Comments Off
The linked statement, which appeared in the Journal of Critical Care, does away with whatever illusions anyone had that only the willing are killed under assisted suicide and euthanasia laws. Euthanasia is legal in Belgium, but until now patient consent has been required. Now Belgian doctors are asserting the right to decide which patients, including […]